Privacy Policy

IVY Associates(以下「当グループ」といいます。)は、当グループにおける個人情報の取扱いについて、個人情報の保護に関する法律その他の関係法令を遵守するとともに、以下のとおりプライバシーポリシーを定めます。
IVY Associates (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Our Group”) shall comply with the Act on the Protection of Personal Information and other related laws and regulations, regarding handling of personal data, and shall prescribe Privacy Policy below.

1.個人情報の取得/ Acquisition of Personal Data

Our Group may acquire your personal data such as your name, address, phone number and e-mail address within the scope necessary to achieve the utilization purposes.

2.個人情報の利用目的/ Utilization Purpose of Personal Data

Our Group will use your personal data for the utilization purposes prescribed below.

  • 当グループが受任した業務の遂行及びこれに関するご連絡
    To implement operations related to client request that our group accept and related communications.
  • 当グループの情報及び法律情報等のお知らせ
    To provide our information and legal information.
  • 当グループの行政書士及び職員の採用活動
    To conduct our recruiting activities for legal specialists and staff.

Our Group will use your personal data only for the utilization purposes prescribed above, and will not, except in cases where laws and regulations require or except in cases where we have separately noticed or made a public announcement, use it for any other purposes without your consent.

3.個人情報の第三者提供/ Third Party Provision of Personal Data

Our Group will, except in cases where we have obtained your consent or except in cases where laws and regulations require, not provide your personal data to a third party.

4.個人情報の管理/ Management of Personal Data

Our Group manages personal data, taking necessary and appropriate action to avoid illegal access, loss, destruction, manipulation or leakage of any personal data we retain. In addition, regarding handling of personal data, we supervise our employees appropriately, and in the case of an entrustment of the handling of personal data to any third party, we will supervise the entrustee appropriately.

5.個人情報の開示・訂正等/ Disclosure and Correction of Personal Data

Our Group shall, regarding the personal data we retain, answer to demands, made by you or your representative, for notification of a utilization purpose, disclosure, correction, addition, delate of the contents, ceasing of a utilization, erasing, and ceasing of a third-party provision.

6.本ポリシーの変更/ Change of Privacy Policy

Our Group may change this Privacy Policy totally or partially as needed. If we change the Privacy Policy, we will release it on our website.

7.お問い合わせ窓口/Contact Information

Please e-mail us at info@visaimmigration.jp if you have any comments or questions about our handling of personal data.